Thursday, March 12, 2009

Better, Faster, Cheaper: New Battery May Technology May Be on Horizon

A better battery may be coming for the next generation of hybrid-electric school buses. Several sources report on a new report in Nature from scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on a new design for lithium ion batteries that allows the batteries to recharge more quickly. The similar lithium ion batteries are already in some hybrid-electric school buses and scheduled to to be in the Chevy Volt. But these can't accelerate quickly says Professor Gerbrand Ceder . The paper discusses a solution which has applications for laptops, cell phones and hybrid-electric vehicles. A great report at MSNBC, explains the science the behind the idea. The report also says that hybrid vehicle applications have some complications because the batteries are electricity-chuggers:
The ideal situation would be to have a network of high-power electric charging stations, which would allow you to juice up your electric vehicle on the road much as people fuel up their gas guzzlers today. Ceder and Kang estimate that an 180-kilowatt power source could give a full charge to the typical plug-in car's 15-kilowatt-hour battery in five minutes.
For school buses, with dedicated, regular runs, this probably wouldn't be as much of a problem. According to Scientific American story on the same report, the batteries would also be cheaper. This, coupled with increased production, would likely drive down vehicle costs. [On a side note, for willing to dirty their hands with the coments from the peanut gallery, comments below on the MSNBC story have a fascinating discussion of the real "greeness" of hybrid technology.]

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Take a Seat: M2K, Takata Buy SynTec Seating Solutions

The exclusive seat provider to Thomas Built Buses is now formally known as Syntec Seating Solutions LLC, following a joint acquisition by M2K Seating Solutions LLC and TK Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of Takata. Company owner Ron Lampartner says, " “We intend to be a major seat supplier to entire industry ... Whatever any OEM might possibly want in seating, we are going to be in a position to give it to them.” Read the whole article